August 2024: We ALL Need To Do The Work to Save Democracy


Ranked Choice Voting or Instant Runoff Voting?

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Ranked Choice Voting or Instant Runoff Voting?

How about both?  The terms are used interchangeably.  Instant runoff voting puts emphasis on eliminating low turnout costly runoff elections.  Ranked choice voting stresses the voter's candidates preferences.

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SPOTLIGHT: Democracy Is A Do-It-Yourself Project

The first article under What We Are Reading, describes democracy as everyday people governing themselves. It requires taking responsibility to delve into the messy business of democracy to help it thrive. RCV for Texas is in that business and would love to have your help as we launch two initiatives:  

  • Get to know your legislator: Labor Day is when many folks start to tunein to elections. RCVforTexas needs to educate as many Texas House and Senate legislators as possible about the reasons to eliminate costly, low turnout runoff elections. Our representatives need to hear directly from constituents – folks like you – that there is support for instant runoff elections in Texas. We'll show you how and give you the tools to makedemocracy work. Get Involved Here

  • Charter review 'investigator': Is your city or town convening a Charter Review Commission in 2025 or 2026? Why do we want to know? To eliminate costly, low turnout runoff elections in Texas, we need to change the Texas Election Code. We would like more jurisdictions, especially more conservative leaning ones, to propose through their charter review process a trigger ordinance to allow instant runoff elections in their nonpartisan municipal elections. This will show the legislature there is demand to use it. It would be great to have your help. We'll show you how. Make democracy work. Get Involved Here

There is also a great need in the following areas:

  • Social media 'influencer': We need active social media users to help us reach as many people as possible about instant runoff voting. Through social media we will reach our younger Texans – folks who turnout to vote in lower numbers. Let’s give them reasons to be motivated to make a difference. Get Involved Here

  • Graphic designer: The saying goes that a picture is worth a thousand words. We want to show Texans, not just tell them how Instant Runoffs secures better elections. Help RCVforTexas express its mission in illustrations. Get Involved Here


Stop Trying to 'Save' Democracy - Democracy SOS

Stop waiting on politicians to do it for you.  Instead, practice it - at work, school and Little League.

The need for Ranked Choice Voting has never been greater Cranston Herald

Too many primaries and elections are won by candidates who lack the support of a majority of citizens.  One recent presidential primary ballot included 33 candidates, making it possible for a candidate to win that state's delegates with as little as 4% of the vote.

Letter: Let's get ranked-choice voting - The Columbian

The text book example why instant runoff voting and ranked choice voting is the voting system of choice.

City aldermen set date for vote on charter changes - The Frederick News-Post

Frederick, Maryland's Charter Review Commission unanimously supported instant runoff voting (RCV) and will take it to voters soon.  Texas cities are not the only ones showing interest in using instant runoff elections.


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We need your help!

Leading the charge for better elections in Texas through our grassroots campaign requires resources and help from committed supporters like you.

Please help bring ranked choice voting to Texas by donating today!

Ranked Choice Voting for Texas

Ranked Choice Voting for Texas · TX, United States
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