The primaries are closing in, with early voting beginning February 20th! RCV for Texas is using this opportunity to promote ranked choice voting and educate the public about how it can make our elections less expensive and more representative.
Runoffs Cost Texas Taxpayers Time and Money
Texas has demonstrated that in party primaries and special elections when more than two candidates are running for a seat, the likelihood is high that the race will advance to a runoff. In 2022, 23 of 39 districts with more than two candidates running for a Texas House seat went to a runoff. In addition, a special election runoff was held for Texas House District 2 on January 30. Primaries cost Texas taxpayers $21,834,809 in 2022, with an additional $14,389,450 spent for runoffs. Voter turnout for the runoff elections is always substantially lower, in most cases barely more than half of first-round voters. If Texas had Ranked Choice Voting, the winners would be declared after the primary. The runoff would be ‘instant’, saving additional taxpayer cost to administer a second election, added costs for candidates and donors, and decreased voter participation in the final determination. RCV for Texas is contacting newspapers in Texas House districts that have more than two candidates in a race, including in House District 2, where the special runoff election was recently held. We are giving them the information on the cost and low voter turnout of runoffs and letting them know how RCV can make a difference! If you identify local media outlets that accept opinion pieces or offer on-air interview opportunities, please reach out to Paula Winter for content you can submit or to connect with one of our trained speakers.
Let's Turn Out for the Texas Primaries!
March 5, 2024 will be primary day in Texas. There is a significant number of primary challengers this year. RCV for Texas has drafted questions to ask candidates when you attend a candidate forum. Super Tuesday (Early Voting begins February 20th) provides a great opportunity to talk with voters and tell them about Ranked Choice Voting. See the event listing below and RSVP.
Customize Your Communication Preferences
RCV for Texas is working on changes to communication preferences for supporters. New sign-ups can choose if they only want to receive Action Alerts, or also want to receive newsletters, or all meeting and other announcements too. Our current supporters will also be asked to specify their preferences. You can let us know your preferences now by clicking on the communication preferences link below.
We are looking for a couple of people to text new supporters, welcome them to RCV for Texas, and offer to arrange a brief call to discuss how they can help bring RCV to Texas. In that conversation, you would discuss the best fit for their interests, such as:
- Recruit several people from among our supporters who would like to join them and build a relationship with elected officials in their district;
- Share our social media posts with their network;
- Find opportunities to have a trained speaker present to interested organizations; or
- Get trained to make presentations.
If we can get more people who we know support RCV to be actively involved in our efforts, we are more likely to be able to get legislation enacted.
February 22 and 29 at 7PM – RCV Pitch Training: Come learn how to talk to people when you are in the field and ask them to support our efforts to bring ranked choice voting to Texas. Register at our Event Calendar.
Feb 20-March 1 and 5 - Work the Polls: The most perfect time to talk about RCV is after voting! Come speak with voters at the polls. Stay for as many hours as you'd like! Register at our Event Calendar.
March 7, 14, 21, and 28 at 7PM – RCV Pitch Training: Come learn how to talk to people when you are in the field and ask them to support our efforts to bring ranked choice voting to Texas. Register at our Event Calendar.
March 7 and 28 at 5:30PM - RCV Speaker Training: Help educate the public about RCV. This training is for volunteers interested in becoming knowledgeable and confident to do RCV presentations. Register here.
Testimony In Opposition to Georgia SB 355: An act to prohibit the use of ranked choice voting - R Street
Testimony from Mark Hyden, Director of State Government Affairs, R Street Institute, in opposition to SB 355, which would prohibit the use of ranked choice voting in Georgia. Mr. Hyden remarked, “As a research institution, we have studied instant runoffs using ranked choice voting extensively and believe that it ought to be a non-controversial reform."
Park city considers ranked choice voting for 2025 election - KPCW NPR
In 2018 former Utah Governor Gary Herbert signed a bill establishing a pilot program for cities to try ranked choice voting. Park City is studying it ahead of next year's election for mayor and two city council seats.
Ranked choice voting would dramatically improve the 2024 Republican primary - The Dispatch
How could ranked choice voting change the 2024 Republican primary? This article delves into the possibilities.
Ranked choice voting isn't a threat to elections - Election Integrity WV
Erik Herron argues against West Virginia's Secretary of State Mac Warner's recent call for the legislature to prohibit RCV. Mr. Herron states “We should not fear change by banning it, but also should carefully evaluate the pros and cons before making major reforms.”
If you haven't yet, follow us on social media. You can find us anywhere:

The holidays came early this year! We were just awarded a $50,000 grant to support legislative activities. Our lobbyist was instrumental in stopping the bill to ban all RCV in Texas that was filed this year. Please show your support for Ranked Choice Voting for Texas with a year-end gift.

Ranked Choice Voting for Texas