April 20, 2020
Here is a brief update since we last communicated with you in January:
• Several volunteers greeted voters at the polls on Super Tuesday, handed out our new
Ranked Choice Voting flyer which you can see on our website, and discussed why
Texas should adopt it. This helped us double our number of signed-up supporters. At
the appropriate time, we plan to ask our supporters to contact their legislators.
April 20, 2020
Here is a brief update since we last communicated with you in January:
• Several volunteers greeted voters at the polls on Super Tuesday, handed out our new
Ranked Choice Voting flyer which you can see on our website, and discussed why
Texas should adopt it. This helped us double our number of signed-up supporters. At
the appropriate time, we plan to ask our supporters to contact their legislators.
• While the pandemic has forced us to shift to a totally digital strategy for now, we are
still focused on introducing RCV legislation in the Texas legislative session scheduled
to begin in January 2021.
• We had hoped to reach out in person to people attending the state Democratic and
Republican party conventions but that is no longer possible. We now plan to ask
county party leaders to share information about RCV with their members. If you are
involved in party politics at any level in the state or know people you can easily
approach, please contact Harriet, so together we can figure out how best you and your
network can learn about and/or support RCV. We would also like to connect with
any third parties and independents.
• Please tell your friends about RCV on social media or in person.
• If you belong to any organization whose members would appreciate learning more
about RCV, please see if you can get something in their newsletter. Let us know if
you want help with content.
• Ranked choice voting is gaining traction in various places around the country,
including some success in the Democratic presidential primaries. Utah passed a RCV
bill in 2018 that gets implemented for local elections at each county's option. Six
counties did so in 2019 and that group is expanding this year. It would be great to add
Texas to the growing list.
We appreciate the efforts of our current volunteers. Please let us know if you too would like
to help.